A spoiler-dense, chapter by chapter discussion of Gene Wolfe‘s science fantasy masterpiece The Book Of The New Sun, covering all four volumes and a little bit from Urth of the New Sun when necessary. They don‘t try to spoil anything else but, then again it‘s not a prepossessing podcast. https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Listener comments end at: 30:35
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 17 parts 3, 4, & 5, "The Tale of the Student and His Son"
- Chapter 17a The Tale of the Student and His Son
- Reader Interview - Sian Greening
- How the Bishop Sailed to Inniskeen
- The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges
This episode is sponsored by Virginia Fats Super High Tar Cigars!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "The Monitor" by Cage
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Saturday Jan 01, 2022
014 Reader Interview - Sian Greening
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
The story of a youth who encounters strange people in a moment of rebellion which sets them on a path to leave their family and their ideals behind. Yes, that's Severian's story. It's also Sian's.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Alligator" by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Christmas Special 2021 - How the Bishop Sailed to Inniskeen
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Craig and James talk about Gene Wolfe's Christmas ghost story "How the Bishop Sailed to Inniskeen."
Published in:
* Spirits of Christmas: Twenty Other-Worldly Tales (1989)
* Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, (December 1989)
* Innocents Aboard: New Fantasy Stories (2004)
* Season of Wonder (2012)
David G Hartwell Christmas books:
* Christmas Ghosts (1987)
* Spirits of Christmas (1989)
* Christmas Stars (1992)
* Christmas Forever (1993)
* Christmas Magic (1994)
This episode is sponsored by Merry Maledictions!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Christmas Island" by The Andrews Sisters
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Listener comments end at: 15:45
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 17 parts 1 & 2, "The Tale of the Student and His Son"
This episode is sponsored by DomestiQe' by Homecraft!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Kina Grannis
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Listener comments end at: 27:45
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 18, "Mirrors"
This episode is sponsored by Secret Doors!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
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Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Go To The Mirrors" by The Who
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Listener comments end at: 51:05
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 16, "Jonas"
- Tea-based time travel clue in the Atrium of Time
- Teilhard de Chardin and THEORY of OMEGA POINT
- Matt Puz
* Facebook - Chapter 16 (part 2)
- Chapter 16 (part 2)
This episode is sponsored by A-RANDO!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Incidental music from "White Rabbit" by Baja Brass (1967)
* Outro from "Band on the Run" by Foo Fighters
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Bonus: Brian Evenson talks about genre-busting fiction
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
The (first) Brian Evenson Interview
Brian Evenson is an academic and acclaimed, award-winning author of novels and stories spanning every conceivable genre. Naturally he is also a Wolfe fan.
* Blending Fantasy and Sci-Fi in Gene Wolfe’s The Shadow of the Torturer at Tor.com
* "The Glassy Burning Floor of Hell"
* Interview at Los Angeles Review of Books
"I returned to Wolfe a few decades later because of a student’s interest in his The Fifth Head of Cerberus and realized that Wolfe (along with the very different J. G. Ballard) had had a deep subterranean impact on me as a developing writer, almost without my knowing. I feel like I’ve learned a tremendous amount from him since, as I’ve systematically gone through and read all of his work."
Q: "What inspired the novella? And where do you draw your inspiration from in general?"
A: "It was inspired partly by Gene Wolfe’s novella The Fifth Head of Cerberus. I think that’s such a deft little novella — all three parts of it, but the first part especially — and is really satisfying to read. I think I began there, with an admiration for that book, and then let it take me somewhere slightly different. Lurking in the background are aspects of the world and character characteristics of my novel Immobility, though it’s set in a somewhat different place."
* Coode Street Podcast Interview
"Gary K. Wolfe spends 10 minutes with Brian Evenson to discuss his relationship to genre, reading catastrophe fiction, the rewards of reading Gene Wolfe and Algernon Blackwood, and his forthcoming collection, The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell."
This episode is sponsored by Genre Assignment Services.
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can also get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel. If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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- Intro from "The Alligator", Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
- Sponsor ad background music from "My Name Is" by Eminem
- Outro from "Weird Science" by Oingo Boingo
- Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Listener comments end at: 1:05:00
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 16, "Jonas"
* Sierra Reynolds on Kim Il Sung and Kimleesoong
* Stephen Frug on Heliocentric metaphors and hunting leopards
* Stephen Frug on the Ferentarii's song and Talking heads
This episode is sponsored by Background Checks for Friends!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
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Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Lagartija Nick" by Bauhaus
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Listener comments end at: 45:15
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 15, "The Fool's Fire"
Severian meets the inhabitants of the Antechamber (not that he learns it is called that) and Jonas starts his mental breakdown.
* Chris Ott: A dweller in forgotten yesterdays
* Mark Mandarano and Sev thinks about his death in the Flower of Dissolution chapter
* Gary Owens and the averns as an Undine Repellant
* Michael Grant thinks about the relationship between Baldanders and BFO
This episode is sponsored by Waiting Rooms!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" by Grand Funk Railroad
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Bonus Cross-Post: Varn Vlog Interviews The Rereading Wolfe Podcast
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
C Derick Varn Interviews Craig and James
Derick interviewed us about Gene Wolfe, his works, and his legacy.
* The Varn Vlog: Voice Podcast
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can also get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel. If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
- Intro from "The Alligator", Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
- Logo art by SonOfWitz

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
The Ada Palmer Interview
Ada Palmer wrote the introductions to the latest edition of "Shadow & Claw" from Tor, "The Path of the New Sun" as well as to the upcoming "Sword & Citadel." And now she talks to us. Yay!
She is a professor of History at the University of Chicago and a scholar of the Renaissance. Her novel "Too Like the Lightning" was a Hugo Award nominee in 2017, and that year she won the John W Campbell award for Best New Writer.
* Ada's Website and Terra Ignota series
* Writing the Distant Future of Global Politics by Ada Palmer
* The Great Books Podcast interviews Palmer about The Book of the New Sun
Things we talked about:
* Jacques the Fatalist and his Master by Denis Diderot
* Phoenix manga series by Osamu Tezuka
* Cesare Beccaria, 18th century Italian criminologist
* Neon Genesis Evangelion anime
This episode is sponsored by Glorious Introductions.
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can also get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel. If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
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...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
- Intro from "The Alligator", Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
- Sponsor ad background music from "My Name Is" by Eminem
- Outro from "Mr. Unreliable" by The Inmates
- Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Listener comments end at: 14:15
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 14, "The Antechamber"
Severian and Jonas do NOT "come to the garden alone," but instead are accompanied by invisible praetorians and strange giant statues.
- Chapter 13 The Claw of the Conciliator
- Chapter 13 The Claw of the Conciliator
This episode is sponsored by Sketchy Audio!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Walk Into The Sun" by The March Violets
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Listener comments end at: 48:30
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 13, "The Claw of the Conciliator"
Severian resurrects an uhlan and reconnects with the president of his fan club and its first rank and file member.
- Chapter 13 The Claw of the Conciliator
- Jeremy Sheets Correction on Baluchitheres, etc
- Stephen Frug's corrections and comments on Chapter 30 - Night
- Stuart Hamm's rant on pronunciation
- Chapter 13 The Claw of the Conciliator
This episode is sponsored by Customized Social Distancing!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Claw" by Motörhead
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Listener comments end at: 20:06
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 12, "The Notules"
Severian and Jonas flee extra-terrestrial ritual murder bats.
This episode is sponsored by Sticky Reckonings!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Leatherwing Bat" by Red Yarn
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Listener comments end at: 19:30
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 11, "Thecla"
Severian and Jonas share a meal with the Vodalarii -- and that meal is Thecla.
This episode is sponsored by Fine Art Barbeque!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
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* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Please Don't Bury Me" by John Prine
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
013 Reader Interview - Aaron Raisey
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
From New Zealand, Aaron Raisey, collector of signed, first edition Gene Wolfe books, brings love for "The Land Across."
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
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You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Alligator" by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
012 Reader Interview - Mike Farrar
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Mike Farrar draws the line between the Whorl and Yesod.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
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...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Alligator" by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
tBotNS 2:10 Thea - Gene Wolfe’s The Claw of the Conciliator, The Book of the New Sun
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Listener comments end at: 21:45
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 10, "Thea"
Over lunch with Severian and Jonas, Vodalus discusses his plan to return humanity to space and his Megatherian allies. Thea reveals an... unsavory... secret about the Vodalarii.
* "Chapter Guide to The Shadow of the Torturer" by Matthew Chiarello
* Behold the Lord High Executioner
- Chapter 09 The Liege of Leaves
- Chapter 09 The Liege of Leaves
This episode is sponsored by Wild Eyed Schemes!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "I'd Like to Visit the Moon" by Paul Dateh and Ken Belcher
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
011 Reader Interview - Sierra Reynolds
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Sierra Reynolds reads from her magic, fabled notes.
- Fact checking:
"cacogen" = "an anti-social person"? Checks out.
Lexicon Urthus notes this but James was never fully conscious of it. - "Jolenta" and violet flowers? Checks out.
Lexicon Urthus associates the name with "Jolie" but it definitely is also possible to associate with Iolantha which means "violet flower." Also with names like Jolanta and Yolanda.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
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You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Friday May 28, 2021
010 Reader Interview - Keith Adams
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Keith Adams and the Soviet Vampires!
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
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...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Listener comments end at: 34:02
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 09, "The Liege of Leaves"
Severian and Jonas ride a baluchithere and Severian gets to meet his hero, and the introduction goes about as perfectly as he could have hoped. Alas, meeting his hero turns out the way meeting your heroes often turns out.
- Chapter 09 The Liege of Leaves
- Chapter 09 The Liege of Leaves
This episode is sponsored by Baluchithere Pooper Scooper Services!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Elephant Ride" by Rick Scott
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Thursday May 20, 2021
009 Reader Interview - Sean Michael Robinson
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Sean Michael Robinson, illustrator and musician, turns the tables and interrogates his interrogator.
* Publisher at Living the Line Books
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Monday May 17, 2021
008 Reader Interview - Korkut Gule
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Korkut Gule brings it from Singapore.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Listener comments end at: 59:45.
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 08, "The Cultellarii"
Severian and Jonas return to the inn and talk about the man-apes and the Megatherians.
This episode is sponsored by Henchmen & More!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "I'm In Chains" by Mark Heard
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Friday Apr 23, 2021
007 Reader Interview - David Stockhoff
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
David Stockhoff, a man who looooves a good Wolfe theory.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Listener comments end at 46:35
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 07, "The Assassins"
Severian leaves the cavern and is reunited with Agia.
Did Severian heal the man-ape's arm with the Claw in front of Agia?
* Mike Bennewitz's Geographical Axis of the Enemies of the Increate:
- #1
- #2
* Michael Andre-Driuss (aka Mantis) proffers that the man-apes were not fleeing from the scary sound, but running toward it.
* Scott, Aaron, BJ, Brendan & Samantha (aka Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich) on the Man-apes cavern -- in the 2:06 Reddit comments.
* Neal Smith (SarcasMage) -- in the 2:06 Reddit comments.
* Mike Farrar continues the fight on Morwenna's guilt and murderousness but has some ideas about Hethor including, he's Korean? -- in the 2:06 Reddit comments.
* Noodus McGroodus on FB says Agia and Agilus could be generated from Hethor's mirror sails.
---- Discussion at the r/Genewolfe
---- Marc's Rebuttal
This episode is sponsored by Henchmen & More!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Cut from "Hold Tight" by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Funny How Time Slips Away" by Matt Masters
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
006 Reader Interview - Mike Bennewitz
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
* Mike's Axis of the Increate's Enemies Model
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Friday Apr 02, 2021
005 Reader Interview - Marcos Gouvea
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Marcos Go-VEY-ah.
Marcos started out on the podcast with emails analyzing all the possible pronunciations of Triskele.
* From the Urth List, some of Fernando Q. Gouvea's contributions.
* Additionally, New York Review of Science Fiction, January 1990, Issue 17:
Fernando Q. Gouvea reviews ENDANGERED SPECIES and sends loc on SOLDIER OF ARETE.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Listener Comments end at 36:40
The Claw of the Conciliator Chapter 06, "Blue Light"
Severian throws down with the man-apes.
Also James changes his mind about what happened at Morwenna's execution... again. (See the comments).
---- Gary Owens on Morwenna's innocence
---- Marc's Rebuttal
---- Discussion at the r/Genewolfe
---- Marc's Rebuttal
---- Mike Farrar's A Little More-wenna
This episode is sponsored by Zohar's Bioluminescent Shampoo and Haircare Products!
You can become a patron and hear additional episodes at https://www.patreon.com/rereadingwolfe
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories?
Connect with us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
* Intro from The Alligator, Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow
* Break Music from Symphony #2 - I by Arvo Pärt, performed by NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic
* Outro from "Apeman" by The Kinks
* Logo art by SonOfWitz
Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.

Friday Mar 26, 2021
004 Reader Interview - Stuart Hamm
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Master Stuart Hamm -- Tower of the Bass Line.
The Questions:
1 First encounter with a Wolfe story.
2 Favorite novel or short story, either or both
3 Favorite Wolfe word
4 A personal non-consensus theory about a Wolfe story or your favorite one.
5 Most frustrating mystery in a Wolfe story (any).
Do you want to get on our examination table?
Shoot us an email at rereadingwolfe@gmail.com
Or DM us on on Facebook
...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe
...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast
...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast
You can get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel.
Note: Youtube subscribers in some locales might not be able to access all the episodes. However, you can get every episodes at the website and on your favorite podcast app.
If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know.
* Outro from "The Dismemberment Song" by Kid Blue
* Logo art by SonOfWitz